As luck would have it, there was a head of Chinese cabbage nestled in the veggie drawer of my fridge, awaiting its raison d'etre. This recipe listed Savoy Cabbage, but I guessed Chinese would be close enough, and I went off to the grocery store specifically to get the stash of other ingredients to make this dish.
Jump ahead to the finished product:

Okay, so if you're up to the task, here we go: (Skip step one if you're using Savoy. Just remove the outer leaves). If you insist on going Chinese, wash the leaves.
!. Wash leaves.

3. Cut 4 Scallions lengthwise into long strands.
4. Chop 1/2 Bunch of Fresh Cilantro (Sniff the heavenly fragrance. Eat a bit of it)
5. Mix those first three ingredients together.

7. Add 1 and 1/2 Tablespoons of Sugar. (You can stick with that amount if you wish. I added more sugar later, since the original dressing was not sweet enough for my taste. Perhaps it's because I used sugar instead of the honey that was requested (I'd say required, but it was not a demanding recipe).
**(In this case, Reader Dear [just so you know], I thought I had honey in my cupboard, but did not)
8. Now add 6 Tablespoons of Fresh Lime Juice (It took three limes to produce this juice)

10. Take a taste.
11. Add Salt and Pepper to your liking.
12. Take another taste.
13. Take another taste.
14. Use some self-restraint! Remember that Cole Slaw improves with age.