(It's Day 8, but who's keeping count? In actuality, this trip took place last Friday night). Friday night! Now I ask you, Reader Dear, who would set out into rush-hour traffic at five p.m. on a Friday for five-and-a-half hours of traveling south (or any direction, really)?! (It's a rhetorical question, Dear Reader, no need to answer). It's only because I wheedled and pleaded that the Yard Man agreed to the foolhardy plan.

The Yard Man and I were
returning to Tidewater, Virginia. Can you believe it, I had another reunion to attend?! (No need to respond to that question, either. It's a fact, whether you believe it or not, Dear One) When
we traveled to this spot about six weeks ago, it was the church of my youth that was celebrating a milestone. This current reunion would be attended by fellow alumni of The Little School (as it's been fondly called by those who attended back in the day [uh, that would be
my day, you understand]).
The Little School (now officially called Warwick River Christian School) was founded seventy-five years ago by members of the church (It stands next door to the school).
I was eager to see my
old* classmates (those who completed the six grades this school had to offer when I was attending).
*Facts are facts.
But first, of course, we had to get. to. the. area!
We ran into so many traffic jams, it took us twice as long just to leave the county as it normally does on a non-Friday-non-rush-hour. In the course of our three-state travel, we got stuck in the aftermaths of four--count them, FOUR--major traffic accidents. It was an excruciatingly long trip south. However
, I was grateful to avoid an ambulance ride, and I'm happy to use the word '
aftermaths'! And we got to our hotel
only slightly past midnight.
But it was very late, and the Yard Man was very grouchy.
I'll continue the story after a restful night of sleep.
I am glad you came on down rather than turning around. Four traffic snares are a lot to deal with.
I'm glad, too!
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