my life is not all picnics at the park.
Now that I've cleared up that possible (but slightly odd) misconception, here's this:

The Occasion(s): Labor Day. Birthday of the Yard Man.
The Location: Susquehannock State Park.
The Group: All my little actors and almost all of their parents. (Reader Dear, The Yard Man and I were there, too, of course. Too obvious, I'm just verifying).
The Time: Late afternoon into evening (The park closes at sundown. We overstayed. But, we left before dark, so that's sort of a gray area).
The Weather: Frabjous (fabulous)
The Food: Well, The Yard Man dragged his birthday grill along, and we feasted on grilled steaks and grilled chicken. Added to that were salads, watermelon and birthday dessert.

The Activities: Eating (verifying that, as well).
Playing on the small playground.
Hiking to the overlook (Dear Viewer, the park is an exceedingly lovely one, but the highlight is the overlook with its high river view.*)
*There may be some difference of opinion on this. The small actors made good use of the playground.

And, a fine time was had by all!!
Happy birthday, dear Dale!
Happy birthday to you!
Yes, yes, indeed. (I'm verifying :-)
Thanks, Gail! I'll see that he gets your message.
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