You see, Reader Dear, it was getting old. It was threatening to lose limbs onto power lines. The Yard Man called the tree company and arranged to have it executed, but I didn't know what day they were coming to do the deed.
When I heard the loud and jarring sound of the saws and the chopper, it slowly sank it what was occurring.

Even though this tree lived at a spot behind the barn and I did not know it well, it did not give me a good feeling to listen to its demise all morning long. (After all, Reader Dear, just think of this: It had limbs but no legs to run and save itself. No way of escape!)
The Chestnut tree that lives in our side yard must have been quaking when it saw the guys with their hard hats and saws approaching. "Now it's my turn! They're coming for me!" it must have panicked. "Hasn't that woman of the house griped about my trashy droppings every spring and fall for as long as she's been my neighbor?!"
(Reader Dear, the Chestnut just got a trim. I went out and reassured it when the tree choppers had left. "Don't worry," I said. "You've got five trunks and give lovely shade. I'll never let anyone murder you!"
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