Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fourth of July

As celebrated by our Amish neighbors.

Although, in full disclosure, Viewer-Listener Dear, the music you hear playing was emanating from the CD spinning in my car as I returned home from a family extravaganza hosted by a sis and bro-in-law of the HM*

*HM himself nearly missing the event**

** Dear Reader, will give further details as we all go further into the future (think Fifth of July, Sixth of July, Seventh of July, Eighth of infinitum...(or, at least, Reader Dear, as long as we've still got calendars to consult, and fireworks to fire off).

Thursday, July 1, 2021

That Crowd

on the bridge took the HM and I by surprise.   Turns out, they were intent on screaming a president's name and waving flags with his name, and behaving a bit like him. It was a loud and chaotic brief time on the bridge, and we were relieved to be done with it when we exited the bridge.  Very much as we were relieved, several weeks later, to be done with the election!*

That trip west was so pleasant that I suggested we repeat the activity the following week.  We chose a new direction, the HM and I.  

We chose to go NORTH.

Actually, Viewer Dear, the HM said, "Why don't we go up to Middle Creek**; I think the geese are arriving."

**Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area; it's NORTH to the migrating Snow Geese, too.