Reader Dear, this past weekend I took a trip back to the place of my childhood in southern Virginia. The event that prompted the trip was a 120-year celebration of the church of my growing-up years. The weekend was filled with nostalgia, old friends and music!
It was The Yard Man who escorted me south, and The Yard Man travels nowhere without his stack of favorite CDs. We needed to load them in the player before exiting the driveway!
It was a long road trip for just twenty-seven hours at our destination, but the music sped us along. For three hundred and some miles, we traveled melodiously!
We noted all the usual landmarks.
"We have to stop at the peanut shop!" said The Yard Man. We were so hungry! Reader Dear, (I confess) we ate too many samples. But, it's okay. We carried away an armload of those good goobers!
We crossed four rivers.

We traveled a "Trl"
We passed some southern buildings that northerners would call eyesores
(Picturesque, Viewer Dear, is what I called them).
Oh, yes, Dear Reader. This journey will be continued.
I will take you farther.
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