Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The four of us had preordained Tuesday as  "Wine-tasting Day."

But, before we set out for the vineyards, we decided to visit the little town of Morrow Bay and see Morrow Rock up close.

Ah, Viewer Dear, there was so much wildlife at the rock!  I can't resist showing you all of it!
There were the Otters frolicking about!
There were lots of Sea Gulls!
And there was a Peregrine Falcon! (Only one that we could see).  He garnered a lot of attention as he sat, very high on the side of the rock, guarding a nest that was hidden from view. There were telescopes, and cameras, and school groups visiting the rock on account of this Falcon and 
 his family-to-be!
Getting his photo at that great height was not as easy as one might assume, Viewer Dear!
Well, then there was the lone squirrel.
I was the only one clamoring for his photo!
The final type of creature I filmed while out at the rock actually looked a bit like you, Reader Dear!
They appeared to be black, and frolicked in the water somewhat like the otters.
Eventually, it was time to move on, and we headed off in search of  the grape-growing area (a vast one, as we discovered!)

You can be sure I'll take you into the wineries as soon as we get to them, Viewer Dear!

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