It's a pristine day in Morro Bay!
Our little household makes a corporate decision to walk down to the Pacific Ocean.
And we do just that!
(The distance is less than a half-mile.)
On our return trip, I focused on the vegetation:
First stop is the Top Dog Coffee Bar and Cafe, where some of us have coffee and some of us have ice cream.
Our lunch conversation goes something like this: "Look, I see another one way out there!"
"Wow, there were two more!"
(I wish I could illustrate this narrative with photos, Viewer Dear, but I'm having a hard time just spotting the plumes of water for myself. They are far too distant and fleeting to capture on camera!)
We drive along the coast once again, and stop at a small beach:
I spend a long time lying on my back in the sand, the warm sun pouring over me, dreaming that when I open my eyes the world will have changed. Never again will there be "an icy mix" or war, anymore.
Before the foursome climbs back into the car and heads out for our last good sights of the Pacific Ocean washing onto the shore, I gather mementos off the beach, and ponder how many will be making a transcontinental journey.
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