Monday, March 9, 2015


into the California weekend, Viewer Dear,  we arrive at late Saturday afternoon, and we also come to Occidental College (in Pasadena).

Those who are here to visit this campus--myself and The Yard Man, his sis and her husband--are privileged to have Erich Frey, Professor of German, Emeritus (1960-1996), to show us around (The Yard Man and I are staying at his house.  We are fortunate to have him and his wife, Irmgard, as our gracious hosts for the whole weekend*).  

He knows this beautiful campus well, and gives us a splendid tour, ending at the large open-air arena, where graduation ceremonies are held.

I'm fascinated, naturally, by the natural sound system (no man-made help needed to have one's message heard from below).

Likewise, impressive:
"Who is your most distinguished alumnus?" The Yard Man asks of Erich.

"Why, the current president of the United States," says Erich.
Saturday evening we are treated to a delicious German meal, prepared by our hosts (featuring homemade spaetzle [a German noodle], beef roast, and also borscht [cabbage cooked in red wine...(I'm raving)]), at the dining table where we earlier enjoyed a very good European-style breakfast.


(Reader Dear, considering the fine weather, the fine fellowship with our hosts, the fine landscapes, the fine food and fine wine, the fine lodging surrounded by blooming things, it any wonder I was forever falling over myself in gratitude at my fine fortune?!)
Which carries us to Sunday, and a visit to Erich and Irmgard's United Methodist Church to attend the Sunday morning service.
The set of buildings (church and chapel, open courtyard between) had me uttering superlatives again--such wonderfully and intricately crafted works of art!

                                                        Finally, then, after a five-star  Italian  meal with our hosts (dining  out), we bid them a fond farewell, uttered our heartfelt thanks, and  headed up the western rim of the country.

The Yard Man and I, his sis, and his bro-in-law are traveling toward a rental house in Morro Bay.

In our journey north, we make a stop at Stern's Wharf.

Where we see penguins up close, and two of us eat ice cream over the Pacific Ocean.  It's where I'll end this tale, Reader Dear, of my warm and wonderful West Coast winter weekend.

*I must explain to you later on, Dear Reader, how we made the acquaintance of this gentleman, Erich Frey. It's an interesting story, involving two families, two countries, and several generations!

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