I SPENT TODAY, Dear Reader, with the first person to ever curl up beside me. (It was tight quarters; we spent nine months in that position!) He showed up yesterday evening for a weekend visit, and we whiled away several hours reminiscing, my twin and I. Then this morning we headed out for a jaunt in the city, first to Central Market.
"Asante!" my twin said to the guy selling African food. Ah...the guy responded in kind, and the two of them took up a conversation in Swahili!
We walked around the city in the bright autumn sun, and later in the day, this brother of mine cooked up a curry dish for supper. He's a regular Martha Stewart when it comes to curry, Reader Dear.
("I made myself a boat," he said, "when I lived in Africa. "When I got it in the water, it leaked like a sieve." But my goodness, Reader Dear. He's sucessfully made himself everything from A to Z [shoes to clothing (a suit, by golly!) to musical instruments, and all those other creations too numerous to mention]!)
*Though in my youth, Dear Reader of mine, I pondered a God who would let me mutter blankety-blanks at the sewing machine and throw down the fabric in disgust, while heaping that one he'd curled next to me with all this talent, in the end, you see, I get to eat fantastic curry!
(Tomorrow, Reader Dear. I'll give you the details manana!)
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