You know (please tell me you do) that I'm going to show you Horse Progress Days! It was a roasting hot day today, but I couldn't get to HPD until late afternoon, so I missed the sun at it's zenith. By the time I arrived, a cool breeze was making things pleasant and possibly the crowd had thinned a bit (Though there were obviously thousands milling about, the crowd did not give me the heebie-jeebies as I expected it might.)
Okay, then, hold onto your hat* while I present to you:
Horse Progress Days, Day One!

There were lots of horseback riders directing traffic, handling the parking, and giving out information.
"Is this where I am to park?" I asked one of them through my open car window. "It's too far to walk from here! Can I get a ride?"
(I did. There were multiple horse-drawn wagons handling that transportation need.)
But, goodness me, Viewer Dear, I can't comment on every photo or it will be time to return to Horse Progress Days by the time I finish (yes, Day Two!)
So you're on your own. Should you have any questions I'll be standing by to assuage your curiosity (if I've got the facts to do so [I don't claim, of course, to know all there is to know about horses (or the religious sect known as Amish [or many other things about which you may inquire, for that matter])] But, ahem, I'll give it my best shot!)
I do need to say a word about this horse on a treadmill, it's foal (young one) waiting patiently by. Having just stepped off a treadmill myself a few hours ago, I hoped this horse found the treadmill as exhilarating as I did (though I noticed she had a much steeper degree of incline, and no trainer standing by to say "Okay, now go get a drink of water, and what kind of exercise would you care to do next?" Not to mention, the air was a heck of a lot hotter for her!
Moving on. There was a petting zoo for the children (no one was stopping the adults from enjoying these animals, however. I was especially tickled by the camel. I did not pet him, but I was impressed that he was there [likely flaunting his hump whenever a horse happened by!)
There was other fantastic fun for the children (I spotted no adults in the corn box, though there was at least one [I know without a doubt] who secretly wished to dive in)!
It appeared that even those being buried alive were having a delightful time!
And now, Viewer Dear, I must employ that phrase that could lead one to (correctly) assume I've got many more photos to show you. (It's so true! I do!) To Be Continued...
*I had to hold onto my hat, you see (my sun hat, made of straw). The aforementioned breeze was playing havoc with it! But what, I wondered, is holding all the hats on the heads of the hundreds of boys and men in the crowd?! Have you any inside information, Viewer Dear?