To be honest, I will have to divulge that the string of green beads presented to me, and the crowd of on-lookers in my room had less to do with the luck o' the Irish and much more to do with me and my neck contraption. For you see, Dear Reader, my tracheostomy tube was scheduled for removal! Beat the drums! Strike up the band! Cue the bagpipers!
My Speech Therapist, Carole, told me she'd invited some nurses and nursing students to come and observe the goings-on. Also at the party were The Yard Man, Only Son, Lil Sis and Big Bro (my loved ones who happened to be visiting).

The room filled early. "Standing room only!" I announced, and everyone seemed happy just to have gotten a spot. There was camaraderie, everyone appeared to be in a good mood. The news cameras appeared (amazing how much they resembled a cell phone and a little old one that usually resides in my handbag)! Excitement was mounting!
Carole took a position near my head. "Look closely," she announced to everyone. She put her hand on the valve extending from my neck. "Here we go!" she said.
Then, just like that, the show was over! So short and sweet! (It may have seemed a bit too brief for the audience, but that surely made it sweet for me--twenty seconds, start to finish!) I could feel the tube coming out, but it was only a slight discomfort. A bandage was placed over the open hole in my neck.
There was a round of applause!
Though I likely have not a drop of Irish blood in me, I was feeling mighty lucky, indeed!
p.s. Viewer Dear...
Now we're several months post-Paddy's Day, of course, and I'm having no such good luck with Blogspot! It won't let me delete this redundant photo, and other frustrating, snarly problems! (mumble, mumble)
which part?
I am with Only Son....two thumbs up!!
Yeah, LTF, everyone seemed so enthused, you'd think they were all Irish and gettin' a free pint o' ale or somethin'! (Thanks, I love getting comments on the blog) :-)
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