Last week The Yard Man informed me that he was planning on taking his grandsons (three of the four) to Legoland (It's a store-slash-fantasyland located in a mall a little more than an hour's drive from where we live.) Legoland's prime focus is giving young Lego-lovers the time of their lives! (Er, also to convince them that even if they've already got a small truckload of the toy called Legos, they need more). The Lego-loving kiddies will have such a marvelous time with the rides and the Lego museum and the Lego movie and the bins full of Legos to be played with for as long as they please, and the playground (which has nothing at all to do with Legos, but adds enough to the aura of "
This is Lego heaven!" that it works). They will still look to the gift shop* as an exciting part of the experience!
*In combination with doting grandparents.
"Do you want to go with us?" the Yard Man asked me.
Are you asking if I wish to accompany my little actors to a place where they'll be over-the-moon happy to spend time?! Do I want to go along on an expedition they will possibly recall for the remainder of their days?! " I asked him (rhetorically). Then I went ahead and gave
an answer. "
I sure do!"

Let me tell you, Reader Dear, the trip to Legoland was way more fun than
that previous adventure trip I took (come, come, Reader dear [do I have to remind you, so soon?!)
There was the thrill of meeting that big Lego giraffe at the entrance, and then the exciting ride on the little cart that carried us back into the actual land of Legos. Then there was all the running around from one marvelous exhibit of Lego buildings to another!
Lego version of the City of Brotherly Love |

There was the movie!
The movie was 4-D (Four-dimensional. It means, Reader Dear, we got wet and cold (extra effects simulating wind, rain and snow!)
There were all kinds of play areas and exhibits and more than I can tell (er, or wish to at the moment, I confess) I'll leave all additional details for you to discover yourself, Reader Dear, should you be so fortunate as to visit Legoland yourself!
Ultimately, the vicarious heart-thumping fun of it all wore me out!
The Little Actor, Small Actor and Tiny Actor were all pooped, as well.
Which leads me, Dear Reader, to the excellent idea, cooked up by our little troop as we exited Legoland and stopped to say goodbye to the giraffe.
It would be so great," we all agreed,
"if we were able to push a button and make the giraffe poop little brown Lego bricks down on us all!
Adorable grandchildren!! I am exhausted by the very thought of Lego overdose!!
Ha, Anony, yes, OD-ing on Legos can be exhausting (not to mention keeping tabs on super-pumped-up younger ones OD-ing on Legos!)
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