and bread and beer tasting party! Oh, the delightful benefits of hanging out with The Yard Man (aka The Cheese Man at this event)! I got to go along and assist with the setting up and toothpicking of Oasis cheese samples (a very easy job).
I also got to do a lot of tasting.
(Er, also easy [One could also easily say it was fun!])
This event was arranged by Tim Carr (Carr's Restaurant*) and was held at the Lancaster Hotel,* in advance of a function at the Demuth Gallery.* (If I'm not mistaken, several Charles Demuth paintings were to be donated by Eric Demuth* [a great-grand-nephew of Charles, he told me]. He's the friendly guy who is giving out samples of three of his California wines (ah, Reader Dear, the pinot noir had me wishing for samples-gone-wild!)]).

*classy restaurant in the city
*classy hotel in the city
*classy gallery in the city
This event had class, Reader Dear!
V.I.P.s attending included such dignitaries as the Mayor of Lancaster and The Small Actor (ahem, explanation later).
...to continue...
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