(There is nothing in this blog post concerning a fajita OR a margarita, Reader Dear. Those words are positioned there strictly for their rhyming qualities. They do not roll off the tongue in an absolutely perfect rhyme, but it's the best I could do. I would love to hear it if you've got something better!)
But I rushed the duly stamped box to the post office just before closing on Thursday afternoon. "When do you think it will get there?" I asked the woman who regularly admires my artwork of tiny artworks.
"Is there a birthday involved?" she asked.
"Yes," I replied, "my daughter's birthday is Saturday."
I told my daughter, "I'm sending you a package, but it's going to be late!"
Kudos, however, and hurrahs, and other words of praise to the USPS! On this day of happy birthday happiness, my parcel with the record-breaking quantity of stamps arrived at its destination! My daughter told me: "Surprise! I opened the door and there was the box!"
I'm not sure what the non-profit organizations who sent me the maps had in mind (other than hoping I'd say, Gee, look at these great maps of countries I'm never going to visit! I should make a donation!) Use as a gift-wrap was not suggested, but I thought, why not?
Last week while at the Farm Show, the Little Actor (prompted by that ornery yard man of mine) gave me these instructions:
It failed to make sense to me, as it would mean the near collapse of his whole career as an actor!!
Tardy snow!
I mean, here we are, in the fifth week of winter here,
and the white stuff is just now showing up!
(Enough of it to make me put on boots for
my short trek to the mail box [where the
USPS has once again braved the elements
to bring us our mail! Kudos to
the...oops, I already said that!])
(yep, an olla podrida)
You are just the mostest.
Ah, what a friend you are, ShirleyK.
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