WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I kept a diary for several months. It was red, with a tiny lock and a tiny key. Many Wednesdays, in my private musings, here's what I'd record: "Went to school, went to piano lessons, went to Betsy's house, went to bed." It tickled my semantic fancy that I could follow through with the "went to"s all the way to donning my pajamas and climbing into bed with my little sis.
Today, Dear Reader, were I still maintaining my penciled daily log, it would read: "Went to Costco, went to park, went to First Friday, went to bed."
And today, of course, I've got illustrations to illuminate the details!
At Costco there were Amish women buying in bulk, and the Little Actor, sitting atop the case of low-sodium chicken broth, was eating blueberries in bulk.
"This weather," I thought, "can't last! I'll do two loops for today, and two more for tomorrow."
At First Friday, the galleries in the city were lit up, the streets were lit up, and I lit up when entering the ice cream shop.
(Uh, Dear Viewer, still one more place to go, but
the photo illumination ends here. G'night!)
That little actor is getting cuter all the time! Am sure he was a big help to you, with your shopping!
Oh, yes, D. He makes shopping a delight!
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