Today I set out to take my arm-swinging walk (Yes, Dear Reader, I've been quietly walking those loops about every evening since summer began. [I know, I can hardly believe it, myself--I haven't said a word! Well, mostly it's because it's been so uneventful there at the park. I mean, they did away with the pond; Mr. Bullfrog had to move. And then they put up more housing for birds; some discrimination going on there, I'd say.
But mostly it's been
Thus my instant attention
By the time I arrived, the swarm of firefighters
was spraying only water; but it was fine
entertainment, the likes of which Mr. Bullfrog
never managed to provide (bless his heart
for trying).
As I was finishing up the second of my four
loops, all the firefighters clambered aboard
their trucks and exited the park with red
lights flashing.
That's when I noticed one more truly
unusual occurrence for this prim and proper
little park: The port-a-potty that generally stands
in a corner of the parking lot was now lying in a corner of the lot!
I left in a hurry, Reader Dear, a bit as though someone had shouted "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Because--while it was a rather pleasant thought to imagine snow in July--well, ugh! I can't say the same for letting my imagination run wild around that potty!
Here is the 2nd moment I have encountered your web sites in the last couple weeks. Seems like I ought to bookmark it.
Well, Anony, it seems like fate!
I'd be honored. Plus, comments make the world go round (my world!), so if you're up for leaving a comment or two, hip hip hooray!
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