There was a pool-side cookout at the home of my Yard Man's nephew, featuring grilled gustatory greats by the grilling guru of the family.
And homemade ice cream.
And following that:
The Yard Man and
If you concentrate a bit, Dear Reader, you might easily figure out that this action left me alone to guide the group into the sea of lawn chairs and spread blankets and blanketed spreads (not to mention eager concert-goers milling everywhere). "Linus, Linus!" I exclaimed. "Where shall we go? There's no empty space anywhere!"
Linus told me, "She is saying we should go back!"
We did.
Ah, Germans to the rescue--we finally had ourselves situated in an adequate spot. I called the Yard Man to tell him where he'd find us. He did not answer.
Hmm. I called the Yard Man again. Still no answer. Questions began popping like fireworks. What if I can't get through to the Yard Man?! How on earth would he find us? How would I ever get these German-speaking folks out of here?!Nervously, I phoned once more. Still that Yard Man did not answer; I left a message.
After which, I happened to look at the sky. Oh, great gray possibilities! Was it just my imagination, or did a thunderstorm seem imminent?!
It was just my imagination.
The Yard Man and Linus' dad showed up.
The band played on.
It was another great concert in the park,
complete with cannons...
things bursting in air.
And, fortune smiled, it took us less than an hour to
walk to the cars and exit the parking lot!
Like I said, it was an excellent day of celebrating.
It would have made a fabulous Fourth of July!*
*(Had it not been the Third of July).
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