I HAVE A FRIEND who invited me to go on a staycation-daycation with her. (She didn't call it that; it's strictly my slightly cheesy description for spending a delightful five hours popping into one air-conditioned shop after another in the small town of Lititz [this town being a mere four miles from my front door]).
There were antique shops,
and scented soaps-and-candles gift shops,
and jewelry-and-antiques gift shops,
and scented soaps-and-fabrics gift shops,
and kitchen gifts-and-scented body lotion shops,
and baby gifts-and-scented soy candles shops,
and clothing-and-bags-and-antiques shops.
But then we moved on to another cool shop, and we saw this piece of wall decor:
It was a very cool day we had, this hottest day since Sunny Afternoon (in a summertime, in a summertime.....*)
*Yes, Dear Reader, haven't had a day
this steamy hot since 1966!
What a precious little lady!
She seemed nice, but a bit odd.
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