IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON when I suddenly took a notion to leap into the Christmas Season hoopla--which only means that I got inspired, and I up and talked my yard man into going for a Christmas tree. By the time we trundled up the road in his truck to our usual Christmas-tree-farm destination, the sign read "Closed for the Season."
But I wasn't so quickly deterred; we were in a tree-farm area, had passed quite a few to get to this one, and they'd ALL been closed!
"Go to the door and ask," I suggested to the yard man.
"They're closed!" he responded firmly, and I knew by the way he said it that I'd have to talk fast if there were any chance I'd even get myself to the door. But I did end up there, and once more found myself talking to the widow of the man who had raised the trees on this farm.
"I've got somebody else taking care of the place for me now," she said. "He's just hauling the trees away to sell. But," she added, "you can help yourself. You can look and see if there's anything you want."
I was grateful. "Oh, thanks!" I said. "I'll go ahead and pay you. I know we'll find one we want."
"This is the last year we'll be able to get a tree here," the yard man predicted.
"Oh, don't say that," I responded. " I like this place! Out of all these trees, there's sure to be at least one still remaining next year...and this woman will be waiting for us to show up at her door to claim it!"
Except that then he drove off up the road, and not toward home.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
And he said, "You'll see!"
...And you, Dear Reader, will see, as well
(my sensational start to the seasonal celebration)
if you come back tomorrow...
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