DEAR READER, AS IF THAT CHOIR I enjoyed on Saturday were not enough, yesterday I traveled to a far different arena and heard another! It's true I loved that chorus of birds, but all things are relative, you know, and I'd have to say-- this performance by a choir of international boys blew those geese right out of the water!
My yard man and I took a trip to the big NYC with friends of the very good sort. The Driver (who drove) and Janie (his wife) agreed to transport us in their car with the EZ Pass add-on. So six hours of the day we traversed the rain-soaked highways with The Driver at the wheel (and yipee for him, he successfully navigated those big-city streets). Meanwhile, (yipee for her) Janie passed out chocolates and other great snacks.
After we reached the city and parked,
we had a two-block walk to the restaurant,
where we rendezvoused with two more friends
who had made the arrangements for this two-fold
We walked through a deluge of rain.
(My two feet got wet!)
Then the six of us ate two courses
(and I'm too, too sorry that I took
no photos of the very fine food at Trattoria Dell Arte...or the friends, for that matter).
But I did get some photos of the Vienna Boys Choir.
They've been singing since the Fourteen-hundreds
(yes, yes, I'm sure--look it up, Reader Dear!)
I can't speak for the other five centuries, one decade, one-and-one-half years, and some odd months, days and hours*...but the approximately one hundred and twenty-six minutes yesterday that I sat in rapt attention (other than those few times of whispered conversation with Janie) and listened to them sing, transported me to a very fine place (even finer than the Carnegie Hall, where I was seated with the yard man and our four friends in the third tier up.)
We got a narrow little peek at the city as we entered...
and again upon leaving. But the sights were incidental-- I was so enthralled by those angelic voices I heard.
*...which isn't exactly and technically true,
as I have heard them sing several hundred other minutes
during those hundreds and hundreds of years.
J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.
- Daniel
S'il vous plaît préciser, mon ami.
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