IT'S NOT A GOOD THING, NOT A good thing at all, when ten days before Christmas one finds oneself bundling up against the frigid air and driving out to capture photos of butts on the ground. Little white butts, Reader Dear. (You're fortunate if you must take my word on this).
water slopping across the floor.
Then, too, I managed to find a tiny shred of humor in my behavior of last night, when I was startled awake to the sound of a mouse gnawing and scratching in the corner.
Gremlins were at work with my cell phone today, and also showed up when I went to use my printer, and I was able to flick aside the frustration. I ponder the situation...perhaps I've been able to actually find an UP SIDE to the flicking of little white butts to the ground (by an ornery tenant of mine): dealing with other irritations seems less onerous!
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