BLINK OF AN EYE. Monday takes off like a bat outta you-know-where, and before I can even make up my list: THINGS I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT MUST DO THIS WEEK...(gasp)'s Friday! Try as I might to get a handle on it, time is that greased pig, that mirage in the desert, that dream upon waking. I used to look up ahead and think, There's a pleasant little lull of hours appearing next week when these current activities and guests and apartment tribulations will all be appearing in the rear view mirror. But, alas, I now know that next week I'll be standing with hands on hips, looking around exasperatedly, searching between the clutter of new duties, appointments, classes, sessions at the gym (Um, well...maybe not those), volunteer responsibilities, odd rental unit woes and a jumble of minutiae, for that small clump of free time I was certain I had seen at this very spot!
(I can't kid myself, however...I'm all about ditching duties and running off to have fun if the occasion presents itself, or gabbing via one form of communication or another (ahem, I suppose I could end this post on the spot [note that lovely unplanned anagram?!]) It's just that there is a deadline approaching and I find myself slipping further and further behind. There's no Christmas tree spreading its scent through this house. No Christmas cards have sent Yul
oh, wait--I do have my little two-inch pot of Christmas cheer, which I garnered during that orgy of togetherness over the Thanksgiving holiday, when I ran around the country (blithely ignoring the greased pig) with all of my yard man's sisters (he's got a lot!) and visited greenhouses and gift shops and odd and unusual places of interest:
Which brings to mind, I've got one more small adornment --a gourd-y Christmas bell hangs on my fridge. Perhaps with the two, that's enough decoration?
Or perhaps tomorrow The Yard Man may be sweet-talked into going for a Christmas tree...
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