Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Reception

Post-wedding, the wedding party and the wedding guests and the brand-new husband and wife adjourned to a separate tent where tables were set up for a buffet meal.

Fruit punch was served, along with cheese and pretzels as hors d'oeuvres.

The meal consisted of lasagna, homemade dinner rolls and two types of green lettuce salad.  Dessert, Reader Dear, was a pie counterpart to Wedding Cake.*

*There were several kinds.  All of them were round and sweet and celebratory, the perfect stand-in for cake.**

**Yummy, too.

A flower girl, she was my cross-the-table dinner partner.

While we ate dessert, there were surprises for the bride and groom--some singing, stories, and a poem from the sister of the bride.

Not only did that knot get tied, Reader Dear;
I'd say that it was formed into a lovely bow!



sk said...

Gorgeous couple.

Cocoa-what pie? And red raspberry!

KTdid said...

I believe it was Cocoa Creme (with an accent) Q.