The sun was shining on the wedding of Lorene and Owen! It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding! Viewer Dear, I barely knew the bride and had never met the groom, but The Yard Man had gotten to know the bride as a fellow employee at the food co-op where he works, and he looked forward to attending this wedding to which we'd been invited.
Inside the tent, I had a lucky seat on the aisle, so I could crane my neck to view the about-to-happen scenes and capture them for you! Here are the groomsmen, awaiting their cue.

They were followed, naturally, by the bride's attendants.
who were followed (no surprise) by the one wearing white and smiling radiantly, on the arm of her father.

And I enjoyed the antics of two other attendees (small ones) who were not so interested in the singing or the spoken words from the front, but occasionally passed the time sitting on the ground pulling up chunks of grass to toss at one another.

I counted many types of head coverings (six is the number, though I hesitate to tell you, Viewer Dear, as you may suspect I was letting my mind wander from the ceremony, and that would be a false assumption!)
From time to time, there was group singing.

Finally the service reached its ultimate conclusion--the tying of the knot! The beautiful, glowing bride and the handsome groom promised to love, honor and cherish one another until death shall part them. The minister pronounced them husband and wife.
I believe I had a great big smile on my face.
The minister did not voice the words; but, "Now!" I thought, "Now you may kiss the bride!"

And he did.
(Reception to follow)
You know
I want details about the dress!! It looks very simple with no embellishment. It looks lovely and sweet!! Were we ever that young??
LTF, I saw no embellishment to the dress. And,yes, I agree--lovely and sweet! As for the question of youth, hmmm. Somewhere in the dim recesses of my mind I recall a time when most adults pronounced us "young"!
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