Aha. (We arrived to the option of choosing absolutely any seat in the theater!) Reader Dear, (I have to tell you), I laughed loudly with delight!
Saturday night:
Ice cream with toppings, topped by a super-charming evening of jazz!*

Listener Dear, I'll share the music. You know (please say you do) that I would also make you a Taster Dear if ice cream could be shared across the miraculous internet waves!
And then:
Sunday lunch under a lovely sky, beside a fountain.
Plus our regular Sunday-evening concert at the park: this clip featuring First Son-in-law, Small Actor, Tiny Actor and...
The Steel Wheels!**
Reader Dear, if not for the very sad news of hatred's triumph over love**, the weekend would have been a multi-colored rainbow of black-and-white excellence!
*Featuring Delfeayo Marsalis on the trombone (son of Ellis, nephew of Winton) at Mount Gretna, PA!
**[From the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia***]
*** Virginia [my home state]: Capitol city: Richmond. Also well-known: Charlottesville.
State slogan: "Virginia is for Lovers".
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