Monday, August 30, 2010


AHHH. NOOO. DON'T GO, don't go! (That's me, with my arms wrapped around the legs of summer, wailing up at the big hot sun and the leafy green trees already starting to look a little haggard.) Last night, when The Yard Man and I went to the final concert of this summer's series held at a local park, and planted our chairs amidst the great throng of people with their french fries and cones and their dogs (the four-legged kind) and their shouted greetings to one another and their collective joie de vivre, I started grieving the end of the season. It's not that I don't love autumn; I do! But, oh, my...there's no other season that's shared quite like summer!

This big crowd, sharing this spot in the great outdoors,
enjoyed the fabulous summer evening together.
And together we clapped and cheered and danced
(even some of the dogs) to the music of
C.J. Chenier and the Red Hot Louisiana Band.

Nobody wanted to leave!
The band said goodbye again and again...
and then kept on
playing that zydeco!



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