SUCH A JUMBLE OF THINGS to tell you about, Dear Reader, I hardly know where to start: the box, the evening, the treasure in the box, and ...(my goodness, they seem to be searching me out)...another coincidence!
A mysterious package arrived in the mail today.
It was only the contents that had me guessing,
as I could easily see who had sent it. It was heavy! What heavy thing would George and Suzanne be sending to me and my Yard Man? (This package was coming from my old home area, same place I blogged about only a fortnight ago, Reader Dear.) Suzanne was a very dear friend of my parents while they were still living. Now George and Suzanne are friends of The Yard Man and mine. But I hadn't a clue what was in that box! (Dear me, I said it was heavy--I suppose you could call that a clue, but it sure was a paltry one. It didn't help me one little bit.)
It was such a puzzle! I let the box sit there, savoring the suspense and surprise, wanting the Yard Man to help with the opening. But my Yard Man was busy all afternoon. And he barely had time to wolf down his supper before we set out for First Friday--that monthly event in the city where throngs fill the sidewalks, a few really serious about music and art, but most simply filling a fine summer evening.
That's what we were doing, the Yard Man and I. Happily for us, global warming was taking a tiny break--doling out weather custom made for a stroll in the city.
Musicians abounded: One whom we know very well.
We appreciated them all, though some were decidedly
better than others. We maneuvered through some of the galleries and shops, loitered when we ran into people we know.
It was a lovely evening, we both agreed, in spite of the over-crowded galleries and sidewalks (or perhaps because of them.) We marveled that the city was still pulsing with people long after this event usually dwindles down.
Then, just as The Yard Man himself was dwindling down and was touting the benefits of leaving, we came upon a used-book store. Oh, please, please I said, and he followed me in. So we spent some time there, and the last thing I did in the city was to purchase a book--a cookbook, no less! (Once again, it was the fetching cover that drew me in. And, oh my...the photos! Just like a kid who can't read, I loved the book for the pictures.)
By the time we got home, it was late. That Yard Man of mine headed straight up the stairs to bed. But I sat poring over the pictures in that book. Only momentarily, however, did I forget the box. The box! I wasn't going to wait another minute...
I tore open that box!
I rushed upstairs for The Yard Man...
I promise to tell you more, Dear Reader.
I promise.
1 comment:
so what was in the box?
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