GREAT GLORIOSA GYPSOPHILIA, Pierre knew a thing or two about flowers!
In the story, Dear Reader, I'm still here at Longwood Gardens,
We're enjoying the flora and the fauna and the fountains and the food (yes, yes, Reader Dear, the first thing we enjoyed was the food!)
And we're enjoying the other folks focusing on the flora and the fauna and the fountains and the food.
Of course, there are a few folks photographing family, as well.
And I mentioned the fauna, did I not?
But these are gardens, after all. By far the main focus is the flowers and trees.
And speaking of the trees--that's what The Yard Man and I are doing, having a little discussion about this fabulous, oh-so-fantastic line of Copper Beech trees.
They are marvelous, we both agree! Were we not inspired to plant our very own Copper Beech tree when we saw these very same majestic trees so long ago?!
"But," says my Yard Man, "they are not mature trees."
And I, "What?!! You can't be serious! These are very, very old!"
He thinks not.
But I'm so sure. "It takes fifty years for a Copper Beech to mature. These have been here much longer than that!"
But no, he is not convinced.
And that's about the time I spot the guy sporting the yellow shirt--an official employee of the gardens!
"Can you answer a question for me," I ask, waving down the young man. "Can you tell me, how old are these trees?"
Ahh, he's not absolutely sure.
But he knows who to ask!
He rides away.
We will have to wait, Reader Dear--you, me, and The Yard Man!
Meryl Streep! You got to see Meryl Streep! Close up, in the flesh!
Shirley, that photographer may be her daughter! (We'll never know--[sigh]). Q.
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