LAST NIGHT AS I WENT TO bed, I inquired of my yard man, "Do you like radishes? Why ever did you bring a big bunch of radishes and leave them on the kitchen counter?!"
"They are beets!" he replied.
"Well, they would have to be awfully tiny beets! I think they are radishes!" I responded. Then, just to leave no doubt about the situation, I added: "I don't like radishes!"
"Someone gave them to me," he said. "I thought they were beets."
I'm sorry to say, Reader Dear, I left those radishes to wilt on the counter. But this morning, when I took a closer look, they appeared to be somewhat beet-like. That small clump of radishes even smelled like beets. When I cut into one, there was no more disguise; it was the splitting image of a beet! So I separated those beatific little beets from the lovely wilted beet tops, and I set them to cooking.
When I sliced those gorgeous little geometric gems onto the supper salads, they looked fit for a king!
I was so long away, Reader Dear, that when I spent time back at my park today, it felt like a small vacation in a foreign land! Perhaps that explains my exhilaration when I'd put on my walking shoes, did a few stretches, and set out on the path. The flower-strewn path! Birds exclaiming what cheer! (What cheer, indeed!)
I'm hoping it explains, as well, Viewer Dear, my spying on the locals (camera-happy tourist that I was!) That duck couple was on their honeymoon; please don't ask me how I know (I sincerely wish I had the footage to prove it, Dear Viewer [alas, non-viewer, as the case appears to be] but by the time I quite realized what was going on...why that male was...hmm...well, I didn't know it was the male until...oh, my goodness...let's just say I felt guilty already with my long-range lens and my sneaky ways!)
But new life...yes, new life is what it's all about! There were signs of it everywhere at my park. I took so many pictures of new life that the new life began to seem old (well, not really, but it's getting old now, as I try to sort through all the photos!)
So that's all I'm going to show you.
Hard (for me) to believe, but that's it!
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