Monday, May 7, 2012


IT'S A HODGE-PODGE, Reader Dear!
Just a hodge-podge. Because first, well, first there was Friday. The first Friday night of the month!

First Friday! It had been so long,
since we strolled the streets
amidst the throng!

A thunderstorm rolled through with nearly perfect timing. It was the grand finale to a lucky-feeling evening!*  (*My twin was born on a Friday; ever since then, it's been my lucky day!)

Next came Saturday, stepping right into line as routinely as Cinco de Mayo follows May the fourth. And we, my yard man and I, had an eat-all-you-can-eat event lined up with some folks we know (They are associates of the yard man [with their wives]; once a year they [the men folk] organize and run a major draft horse sale together; they are Amish [the fellow eaters, not the yard man]). We went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord (a tourist spot of the highest order) for our dinner out; yowza, yowza! What a place to chow down food!

Dear Reader, my mouth was hanging open before I took my first bite at this place!

Have you seen enough, dear Viewer Dear?
It was another
evening, and
the food was


Sunday arrived. All morning I sang "Yesterday's newspapers forecast no rain for today...but yesterday's news is old news, skies are all gray." (Mostly I was singing this in my head, Reader Dear; at church I sang the hymns.)


Monday, Monday, can't trust that day.
Triple A carried my car away.*

*It's a very old car.

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