Tuesday, May 8, 2012



I FOLLOWED THE CAR to the fix-it garage where it was towed yesterday. I was well-stocked with reading material and crossword puzzles for my sojourn in the waiting room, little knowing how many other options there'd be for my entertainment!

It was there I met Angelina (pronounced with an "eye" sound, not Angel-ee-na [her mother was often distressed by the frequent mispronunciation, Angelina told me]). She had so many tales to tell--of her sister who is ninety-four and lives alone; of her father who came to this country from (the former) Austro-Hungary to work in the mines; how he died of Black Lung disease (well, his lungs were packed with coal dust [I'm not a doctor, but I'm making the diagnosis; let me know if  you disagree, Reader Dear]); how his marriage was arranged by her grandfather....

Oh, there was so much more! I gobbled up those stories like apple pie on a Sunday afternoon (or perhaps like the chocolate-covered doughnuts brought in by Mary, the woman preceding Angelina in the chair beside me [I could tell you a good bit of her history, too!]).

There were other characters populating my stay, as well, but I haven't the time to tell it all, reader Dear; I spent my whole entire morning in that waiting room!

Fortunately I got to travel to other times and places!
I was almost disappointed when they said, "You're good to go!"

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