SPEAKING OF FILMS. My Yard Man watched the Academy Awards ceremony on TV with me last weekend. We took note of the movies that won awards, and there were quite a few we had not seen. It may have been a contributing factor when he called me on his cell phone in the late afternoon today to suggest that we go see a movie. "Sure!" I said. "Which one do you have in mind?"
Well, me and this man who has six mares and a stallion, we decided to see the movie with the most horses. It was True Grit. "There's a showing at 5:25," the Yard Man told me, studying the schedule of movies playing at the multiplex cinema just a few miles away. "Are you ready to go?"
I glanced at the cloc
"We can go eat somewhere after the movie," the Yard Man suggested, as we sped toward the theater. He dropped me at the door, parked the car as I bought the tickets. Can you believe it, Reader Dear, we didn't miss one minute of that movie!
Except...hmm...that's not quite the truth. I guess I missed a minute or two when that man shot that man and...his mouth...aagh...well, it was when I had my eyes squeezed shut and had a vice-like grip on the hand of that Yard Man. And then again when that girl fell into that...and there was that...inside that...(more muffled noises I can't reproduce)...
But here's the thing, Reader Dear, it's a very good movie. You'll have to see it for yourself...I recommend all but a minute or two.
And then--if you wish to make up for the moments you missed while your eyes were squinched shut--you can do as I did, and watch to the very tail end. (Although, it's best if whoever accompanies you has not been deprived of popcorn as the two of you streaked through the theater lobby; and has already eaten dinner, so as not to be standing hungrily by the exit door as the long credits roll!)
Yes, it was a good movie, but I enjoyed "King's Speech even more". I've seen it twice already, and it was even better the second time.
gyjb, I so agree with you! King's Speech is :based on a true, historical event; terrific acting; no violence; no need for cringing (well, maybe just a little)...and, overall, much more enjoyable to watch.
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