IT'S LIKE AN ARCHEOLOGICAL the snow melts, I keep discovering historical artifacts. Yesterday wasn't the first time I went to collect the morning paper and found two copies--but yesterday I tended to forget that one copy might be vintage. Turns out, this time the snow had melted back to the 10th of February.
I opened the two-week old paper first, unaware of it's obsolete status, and it startled me in a "God-help-us-all" kind of way. Hadn't I just heard on the radio that snow and strong winds were in the forecast? (Though I thought they'd said one to three inches.)
And there was also that weird rumor making its way around the county--A monster of a snowstorm! Accumulations of unheard-of proportions! Due to arrive...oh, I don't know, sometime in March. I hadn't paid any attention--it was only a rumor!
I can't tell you, Dear Reader, what a relief to see yesterday's actual headline: "Bonuses on Wall Street top $20B, But average consumers turn sour." Because I had turned quite sour; yes, I certainly had! But, that sour feeling (having nothing to do with the cats on Wall Street--fat or otherwise), it melted away like a snowflake when I realized we weren't cringing for another blizzard!
(A delicate coating--that's just what we got. Hurray for delicacy!)
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