OF COURSE, DEAR READER, YOU'VE plumb forgotten that I planted a little orchard last fall. Alas, although I had every intention of tenderly tending the trees, I tended to forget them myself for long stretches of time. I meant to minister to their every need (well, other than sun and rain, the production of which without a doubt lies far outside my realm of capabilities--but I suppose that goes without saying, so you can kindly forget that I said it.) It's true that I managed to check on them occasionally, but never thoroughly investigated just what their "every need" might be.
In early summer the trees appeared to be just fine. I envisioned with pleasure the apples and cherries and pears they'd yield, their branches bowing with the bounty. But of course, I was chucking the fruit in the baskets too soon. (You know, "counting my chickens..." except, well, that expression could be confusing, due to the fact that there actually are chickens running around here. And I could actually be counting them, although likely not before they're hatched, on account of these chickens haven't started laying eggs yet. Dear me, I fear I may be muddling your mind and leading you down a rabbit trail. And rabbits... you know how they multiply! Maybe to the point of being difficult to count; but, oh, good grief...)
By mid-summer the trees were having a bit of a struggle. Just why, I do not know. (I'm rather ashamed to admit) I merely watched helplessly as the cherry dropped its leaves and dropped its immature fruit, and the leaves of the apple took on a leprous look. My fruity expectations were adjusted numerous times...ever downward
But still, my little orchard did survive, which was my ultimate wish.
And so today, feeling that the time was ripe, I stopped by to reap whatever there was to reap. And what do you suppose I found? ONE PEAR. One perfectly-shaped and delightful-to-cup-in-my-hands pear!
It is the sum total of my orchard production, my complete fruit harvest--this lovely little pear. Pretty easy to count, but oh, not so easy to gobble up!*
*Too bad--it's very possible it will sit on my counter, garnering my admiration, until its only useful offering will have been its former beauty.