SCENARIO ONE: TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING day of Autumn, I decided to cook up a dish that would be a fabulous fall color. Carefully contemplating my options, I settled on Carrot Soup and ran out to the supermarket to purchase the main ingredient.
Trekking through the produce department, I was killing time.
Ooops, no! I wasn't killing it. (It was the rooster I wished to do away with, remember?) No, I think I was saving time when I spotted a great mound of carrots. Ah, they were organic! And carrots, you know, they're the Miss Congenialities of the vegetable world, getting along so well with others.
Into my cart went a whopping
ten pounds of carrots. Of course, when I got home, I had to think up some way to use this harvest and I thought, Why not Carrot Soup? So I set to peeling and chopping. And peeling and chopping. And peeling and chopping. Arrgh, I'd barely made a dent in the bag and they didn't seem so congenial anymore (I can't blame them. I was the one who'd lost my affability).
So Scenario One or Scenario Two.
Take your best guess. Either way, I ended up with Carrot Soup today.
Lots of carrots went into the soup. But lots and lots more are smiling away in the bottom drawer of my refrigerator, wishing me a happy autumn, I'm sure.
And that's just exactly what I'm wishing you, Dear Reader. Have a Happy Autumn!
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