IT WAS THAT TIME AGAIN...Yesterday it was time to build a bonfire for the annual Harvest Moon Festival, a.k.a kielbasi-roasting time for extended family.
Due to the exceptionally early date of this year's event, we got some exceptional advantages--not only was the weather a very perfect temperature for bonfire-circling, but we also obtained an extra hour for eating before darkness set in. Furthermore, yesterday not only were we celebrating a holiday, but, get was the birthday of the Bonfire-Builder!
Since the Bonfire-Builder gets a great satisfaction out of constructing bonfires, especially when there will be numerous loved ones to encircle and appreciate it, and the Bonfire-Builder's wife (uh, yes) is always delighted when there is an actual full moon for the Harvest Moon Festival, getting this date--all things converging--seemed to be a real coup.
So, to be brief, (unlike the H. M.Festival itself) yesterday the bonfire was built and it matured. The guests arrived and the kielbasi was roasted, pans and bowls and platters of food were eaten and the lawn games were played. Darkness fell and the birthday cake was served and the moon came up. The chatter around the bonfire was loud and lively. Meanwhile, the bonfire kept sending up its lovely sparks.
And the group kept sending up its lovely laughter.
On and on and on, right to the very end of the Bonfire-Builder's birthday!
1 comment:
This sounds like wonderful fun!
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