THE GARDEN THAT MY DAUGHTER planted here has been diligently attended to. Unwelcome long-eared visitors that had been steathily helping themselves to the smorgasbord of delectables were rather abruptly deprived access to the gourmet fare (except for those members of the Cottontail World-Class Jumpers Association).
Weeds have been denied settlement (though negotiations seem to be continually underway). Bugs have been frequently interrupted in their frenzy of leaf-chewing and hastened on their way to insect heaven.
Consequently, the vegetables are thriving in their extra-large bed, drinks and sunshine provided. And they are possibly becoming aware of their entire raison d'etre. We've started eating the spinach, swiss chard, lettuce...(compliments of my daughter, of course, who continues to tuck in more plants, and is their assiduous protector and nursemaid), and look forward to a most pleasing array of other gleanings bringing delight to the dinner table.
As if this were not enough, it appears we will soon have twenty-eight more food-providers striving to gladden our breakfast table as well. Even now they are settling into their own little beds, and helping to transport the bugs to that big veggie leaf in the sky.
Chickens, my gracious!!
My husband says you're Laura Ingalls Wilder, I think because her writing skills burst out in her later life.
Beautiful garden . . . needs a scarecrow dressed like Amish!!! tee hee
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