SPEAKING OF GARDENS. And speaking of a day spent in gardens. Well, actually...speaking of an official Garden Tour and traipsing around with three sisses-in-law to a dozen homes and gardens: that's what I did today. And since, as you know, a picture substitutes for boocoodles of words, I'll offer you this eclectic mix that I garnered while on the expedition (and add a few words, in the bargain):
I wasn't just randomly snapping pictures, though it may appear that way. No, I had my specific reason for each unzipping of the camera pouch (you'll hear them all, of course...did you think not?) Above--the photo of the lovely pink-flowered plant in the bowl--that was taken so as to later investigate what it's called. And now that you have seen it, I wonder what my chances are that you, dear reader, will recognize and tell me of it's name?
Later on I spied this little arbor, which caught my fancy as it held out possibilities of creating one of my own (I don't have to ponder those chances very long).
Now this garden on the left, hmm...I can't exactly recall my intention for wishing to remember it, although it is a right nice little representation of neighborly collaboration. From this spot, I also managed to capture a view of the white-house neighbor's backyard garden--the edible sort. It wasn't on the official tour, but I thought it should have been.
Confessions are in order for this next one: Sis-in-law from Ohio and I agreed that we definitely
did not appreciate this homeowner's ostentatious display of potted plants. They were straight from a large private greenhouse (at another location) and lined the driveway in their plain black pots that looked like plastic ones,
crowded every open space, and hung in multiples on limbs and lamp-posts--why, stick on a few price tags, and we would think this was a nursery, for heaven's sake. But please don't make me eat humble pie--I know with the gorgeous red hibiscus blossoms in the foreground, this wasn't the best shot to prove my point.
Below, the little plant growing right out of the stone wall--well, it pleased me. Hence this photo.
Did I mention this was a Home and Garden tour? We trotted through the nicely appointed homes (carefully designated areas) and murmured our appraisals to one another.
You should have seen the little powder room...and the Mexican tile in the kitchen.
Oh, wait...
How lucky for you--I snapped a shot or two!)
Moving on, we're in another home. Amazingly, I find an indoor garden here--one made of glass. I thought I'd take a shot.
Whew. It's time to see some green-and-sunshine nature once again.
Next on our tour: historical house and grounds--an old estate. A Bonsai-lover's Bunch (okay, that's just my name for them--I'm sure they call themselves "society" or "club"or some such proper-sounding name) had set up a display. We even met a bonsai barber:
And just as I was determining how absolutely I was going to get myself a bonsai tree... (Haven't I always delighted at the sight of these miniatures? Thirty-eight years ago, didn't I stop and buy my dad a bonafide bonsai evergreen from a vendor who was selling them alongside the highway? Didn't I insist, after he had let it sit outside with no TLC for seven years, that he take it to someone who knew a thing or two about bonsai and get it a good root-trimming?*)... well, then the barber mentioned their enormous thirst. "Yessir," he said, "they must be watered every day." I even asked him, "Every single day?!" just to make sure, you know. And he said, "yes." That's when the absolutely part of my determination faded right away.
So, anyway, here we are-- still on the garden tour (or at least, I am still telling you about it)--but now that I have ventured down a rabbit trail, it will take some time to find my way back. I fear this will have to be continued another day. If you will just be patient, however, I promise you a sticky ending...oops, I mean a surprise ending to the garden tour. (Although, if you, dear reader, happen to be a sis-in-law of mine, you may not be surprised at all.)
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