First, there was the beginning of the week:
In which my Little Actor and my Tiny Actor present me with a course of study entitled Lego-Constructed Star Wars for the Uninformed.

(When the teachers tired of teaching, we took a break and simply played games.)
Moving on to the first (fake) Weekend, aka The Fourth of July!
There was the family fest, compliments of the Yard Man's extended family (hosted by his Youngest Sis and Bro-in-law). Fabulous!

This was followed by the Fourth of July late evening: fireworks popping all around the neighborhood.
At the start of the (pretend) second week, we had real and actual fireworks in the evening (the big kind, high overhead and impressive) at a local park. Due to the fact that there was real and actual rain falling, I confess, Dear Reader, that I dragged my flag (so to speak) about going to see the fireworks. The Yard Man had made plans to meet "the German group"* and watch the fireworks with them. At the last minute, I opted to join the expedition. When we got near the park, The Yard Man pulled the car over beside a busy road where we hoped to have a quasi-acceptable view, and the van-load of Germans pulled their van in behind us. Immediately, most of the foreign contingency exited the van and took off into the dark rainy night to find a better viewing spot. The Yard Man decided to follow suit. That left myself and the German driver of the van to have our own small (and rain-free) International Viewing of American Fireworks Display! (We each had a dry and comfortable window seat in the van).
Disregarding the lights and noise provided by the passing traffic, the two of us rated the lights and noise in the sky overhead to be top-rate!
Advancing into the second half of the week, I had a marvelous afternoon with an old and dear friend. We simply sat and talked for three hours. (Well, we ate a little chocolate and drank some cold drinks) Alas, no photos. But, take my word for it, Reader Dear, it was one of the high lights (pun intended) of my week!
On the verge of the second weekend, The Yard Man and I had a Friday evening dinner invitation which we shared with the German group. These German folks (and several from Switzerland) had come to this country to attend Horse Progress Days (this year it was held in Michigan). Now they were en route to New York and their flight home. Melvin and Esther, an Amish couple, had invited them (and us) to their home for a meal (pretty much an annual event). The weather was a perfect ten. The food was very high on the scale, as well. And since I'm going to be using more superlatives to describe the evening, I might as well tell you that the barn (we had a tour) was the cleanest and most organized house for animals that I have ever seen (I marveled to myself and quietly told those horses and ponies how lucky they were!)
We ate outdoors: Ham, green beans and potatoes, a corn-and-zucchini casserole, cole slaw, freshly-baked bread with butter and homemade strawberry jam. Dessert consisted of three kinds of pie, a raspberry sauce, and peach cake with ice cream.
Viewer Dear, in the background of the above photo you can see a hill. After eating our fill, the guests (with our hosts) walked up there to a very large meadow.
Our time on the meadow, Viewer Dear, is where gushing is imperative! I've got so many photos of the sunset that it's going to be tough to show you a mere handful. And, whistling on the grass, the lightening bugs, the camaraderie with new international friends, the sheer beauty of the evening...ahhh...
I've got to leave you hanging around the hillside, Dear Viewer. So sorry to leave you abruptly, but this two-weekend week has another weekend to go, and the blog post is growing long.
(Just give a whistle and I'll be back)
*Click on the link. You'll soon see, Viewer Dear, this hosting of international guests takes place quite regularly.
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