somewhat on the order of a sundae, a convergence of good things arrived.
It was two weeks ago when The Yard Man organized his very fine Annual Camp-Out (good as ice cream)!
Heaped atop (think whipped cream) was a visit by very close friends (three generations)!
A holiday weekend and a birthday celebration were sprinkled over all!
It was The Yard Man who was having a birthday (to the surprise of The Small Actor). It was The Yard Man and most of his male descendants, plus First Son-in-Law, who did the sleeping-in-tents part. The rest of us (guests and all) came for the glorious rest of it: The supper and visiting and sitting under the stars and roasting marshmallows and singing happy birthday and hanging out...
...and then morning sunshine and breakfast and a jug of wildflowers and more bonhomie!
(That whipped cream addition made such
a fantastic Sunday sundae! )
So lovely. Thank you.
I thought I sent you a comment here--where'd it go?
Also, does my leg look that deformed in real life? And do I have airplane wings coming out the sides of my head like that?
Uh.huh. Of course you do.
ROFL; sk, you warm the cockles of my heart.
This conversation is degenerating. What means ROFL??
Rolling On the Floor Laughing
(facebook lingo)
Q. apologizes for the degeneration!
However, Q. can't be responsible for the degeneration of the whole English language.
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