
WE WERE IN LUCK, The Yard Man and I and members of our family Christmas bunch who remain in the area! The turkey was not so lucky. After its swim in hot oil, Son-in-Law treated us to its amazingly tender and delicious flesh (He borrowed the deep-fat-fryer [The son-in-law did, not the turkey])
As much as I relished that bird and those side dishes, the real
piece de resistance for me, Reader Dear, was the after-dinner entertainment furnished by the two little turkey-eaters next in size to the turkey itself. The Little Actor and the Small Actor (still in town for this booking) gifted us with a live stage performance--"
Coffee Table Dancing Allowed for the Benefit of Doting DNA"!

(Should you care to book these performers before they hit national stardom, Viewer Dear,* keep in mind that their payment of preference is animal crackers.)
*I've included a publicity shot
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