Though it's true, pictures can't describe how these cookies have been a Christmas tradition for me since I was a child. And who's to tell how many holiday seasons I put my hands on that rolling pin to flatten the dough for cut-outs? (It's a very old rolling pin, Reader Dear!)
The pictures don't say anything about the time and attention required, and the relatively major mess in the kitchen for so few cookies.
There is no information regarding the red (ahem, pink) and green icing that ended up too runny and could not be thickened because of the lack of confectioner's sugar. Nor do you hear my Daughter-the-Second, who did most of the wielding of the cookie-cutters, admonishing me, "Leave me out of the photo!"
In addition, it's difficult to convey in images how the cookie-making can lead to an urge to make muffins, and looking up the recipe for muffins can lead to a plan to mix up Basic Master Mix....
Hmm. Perhaps, Viewer Dear, photos are only a half-baked way of telling the story, and not the best!*
*(It's just that photos are what I've concocted for you, Reader Dear!)
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