GALLOPING GALLIMAUFRY, Reader Dear! I was going to start out by saying, First of all...but then I realized it is last of all, considering that I'm still eating these weirdly-shaped ginger muffins I baked and served to my yard man following dinner (following, due to the fact that I hustled around and mixed them up as fast as I could, but the twenty-five minutes to bake were twenty minutes more than we could dawdle, waiting on our evening meal).
Well, so then I suggested it would be an act of kindness to gobble them up rapidly and thus put them out of their shame.
From the very first bite, their light and tender consistency and slightly chewy crust more than made up for their homely appearance. And then I added a dollop of fudge-ripple ice cream and in a flash we were able to put three more out of their misery.
By this time we were raving so enthusiastically about their tasty qualities that I feel quite sure the leftover seven are glowing with pride.
Needing a small pick-me-up, I went to the home of the Little Actor and picked him up. We haven't been doing much filming lately as he was touring the country in his celebrity role, and he's also been ill with a virus. It set him back slightly in the steps he's been making. But he was in fine shape for acting in today's movie: Lewy's Speech. (It may not be quite as gripping as The King's Speech [another excellent movie that is currently showing], but I thought you might enjoy it, Viewer Dear.)
Last item I'm tossing into this gallimaufry is the one that should have come after 'First of all'...
When I was out today I noticed there's been quite an influx of these aliens that start showing up and squatting in people's front yards and...hmm, even on their porches...this time of year.
If they weren't so doggone cute and most of them friendly, I'm afraid the government might be taking some action to deport them, instead of sitting back and waiting for the sun
to sneak them quietly out of the country.
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