LOOK OUT, DEAR READER, IT'S A GALLIMAUFRY COMING your way! Oh, come on, relax-- it's just an olio! (I'm giving you time to scratch your head).............all right, all right, I've got a hodgepodge again. It's all on account of these odds and ends that I wanted to show you, but never got around to posting. (And, it appears I'm just too lazy-and-or-uninspired to make a tidy tale about each one. So, blurbs it is--just a bunch of blurbs.)
I. Lazy? Uninspired? Actually, I was walking my walk! Instead of my usual uphill commencement, I descended (the novelty of which drew me further and further down the road until it enticed me into taking the whole three-mile circuitous route that leads me over this little cement bridge [plain as a mud fence, but charming in its own way).
II. When those international guests were here to see the Little Star not long ago, I failed to mention this: My yard man was inspired to take them to visit a burial ground where his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather is buried. (Please, Dear Reader, do not hold me accountable if I've slipped a tad too many greats in there--or, even more egregious, omitted one or two! )
IIb.Almost as fascinating to me as the fact that this grave is still marked, and resting amid a sea of other ancient graves, is the surprising discovery that this yard man of mine had never, ever visited it before!
IIc. Straight from the cemetery, our guests went with us to visit an Amish barn and gift shop. While there, how pleased I was to get this terrific shot of jackasses!
What? Surely you...
I mean, you don't...?
Yes, of course it's those long-eared creatures!
III. Costco parking lot--an afternoon in early April, stopping to memorialize this view of the flowering trees and the cottony clouds, as I wheeled a case of tinned catfood to the car.
IIIb. Sassy grows ever more feeble.
Sassy has trouble eating dry catfood.
She must eat tinned catfood now.
IV. I give my daugher a fond farewell, and an admonition to settle only lightly into Asheville, NC.
Remember when I seemingly went to the Used-buggy lot? There were
bikes there, too!
P.S. Ooops! That was going to be it for the gallimaufry 'til I found just one more photo. I studied it for a while, pondering whether I should save it to build another olio. But, nevermind, there's enough building going on here already...
VI. Well on the way to Fifteen Million.
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