THERE COULD BE NO MORE APT DESCRIPTION of frabjous than this opening day of spring.
International folks were here to see the little actor, who has become quite the Little Star, and was out and about incognito. (His entourage wished to avoid any problems with mob control). As it was, the entourage itself was a sizable group in need of monitoring. You must consider, Dear Reader--one small celebrity doted on by six adults, each vying for the favor of his smile, and the privilege of establishing each one's own lap as the wee one's lap of luxury!
Being toted through a springing green park by one's parents and all of the grand ones who parented those parents; ducks frolicking nearby, and people, too; the day inbued with a deliciously unwrapped feel--it all seemed to be a most felicitous introduction to the new season for the Little Star.
And he did appear to be appropriately charmed,
often and enthusiastically bestowing his smile.
In addition to the stroll, there was some shopping to be done.
And some chocolate to be eaten.
Then, concluding the excursion, an agreeable first dinner of spring was had by all, though the fine restaurant meal which the parental entourage enjoyed was eschewed by the small celebrity in favor of his usual, even finer fare.
After which he was plumb tuckered out; the Little Star drifted into an after-dinner snooze on this, the evening of the very first day of his very first spring.
O, Collooh, Callay!
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