Speaking of family--that's just what I'll do: elaborate on the rest of our short span of time together. Nothing was elaborately planned (that's how we like it, you see). We played word games (they're the kind that most of us enjoy the most). A few more attempts were endured to assemble and arrange ourselves into a presentable mass (now that, we don't take to so well). We tried to record it--with alas, no presentable success.
A lot of creativity was going on too--
what with the piano playing, sketching, and the crafting of an innovative clay rendition of the Little Actor and his parents.
Wrapping it up, a lot of great food was eaten, a lot of photos snapped, and there was a little napping (the college guy returned on Sunday morning, but his nighttime snoozing'd been even more scant than that of the Little Actor!)
Early afternoon, a lot of farewells were said.
A big thank-you to the hosts and, Goodbye, goodbye!
(Not sure when the family will next convene.
Any chance you'll have lingered to be part of the scene?)
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