IT WAS VERY UNEXPECTED. I had no plans to buy any famous artwork today. But on this gray and rainy afternoon, I just happened to stop by a place where it was offered for sale--fine prints of the works of well-known artists. The moment my eyes lit upon the offered works, there was just no question about it--I
had to have a couple! Yes, I say "a couple," but I guess I should tell you, Dear Reader, right up front, it was more than a few. (
Oh, can I admit this?)
...TEN great prints ended up in my car.

By all means, it was impulse buying. I didn't stop to think, but made up my mind immediately, I suppose because it was a gloomy afternoon and these paintings were little rays of sunshine to my spirit. So many are in my favorite colors--there is Mark Rothko's
Orange and Yellow, Hans Hofmann's
The Golden Wall. And the Jackson Pollock,
Convergence--I bought it just because it's so
big! I also walked away with Joan Mitchell's
La Grande Vallee, a simple pleasure. The Adolph Gottlieb--
Romanesque Facade (which Adolph created, Dear Reader, in the self-same year of my own creation) is one of my favorites. Then there's the Robert Motherwell; I like the painting (
Elegy to the Spanish Republic, #34) only slightly less than the painter's surname, and I
do like the painting.

Well, I don't suppose I should prattle on about every single one right now. Suffice it to say, I like them all--and together they make a lovely collection. Wanda, the woman who sold them to me, was pleased with the set, and joined with me in my exclamations of delight.
You are the one who can really appreciate them!"
she said.
A lot of people," she said,
"don't really care, as long as they get the job done; they do it the easy way and buy their stamps in booklets or rolls."...
Unbeatable prices!
$4.40 for 10 at your local
Where are you going to hang all of your lovely artworks?
Amazing how you can loose yourself in the color and the movement of a painting!! Your LTF thinks it is about time you took out brushes and canvas and go out into the fields of spring and see where you end up!!
You're hilarious!
to SBC...I might hang one on an envelope destined for your mailbox; which one would you like?
to LTF...I wasn't sure if you meant "loose" as you wrote, or "lose," but I like "loose" and either could be true! As for going into the fields of spring --please come along!
to goodbadi...I'm taking a bow.
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