I KNOW, I KNOW, it's not like I've been inundating you with blog posts in the recent past. But neither have I been lolling around twiddle-de-dumming. Surely, Dear Reader, you're aware of the rather major deadline approaching just exactly one month from today. I'll give you a clue--it has to do with financing our country's military system. Oops, that's just half of it--we're also paying the guys in Washington (whatever they decide they need [in order to do their job]); and, of course, there're all kinds of other stuff. All kinds of other stuff. But I'm not about to get off on that tangent. It just amounts to a lot of paper-shuffling and fact-finding on my end. That's paper-finding, paper-sorting, paper-ripping, figure-finding, crass-word-muttering, figure-adding, hair-pulling, figure-deducting, teeth-grinding. My blood pressure...sorry, I've got to quickly change the subject!
My realtor and I have an old mini-van whose one handle inadvertently ended up in one hand of a family member ("Uh...is this handle supposed to be removable?!") Naturally, a vehicle will not pass inspection minus an outside door handle (likely not an inside one, either, but no one in charge of inspection stickers informed me of that); which means, in the case I'm currently discussing, the vehicle may spend a very long time lolling around and twiddle-de-dumming in the driveway. And then, as spring approaches and snow melts away, it may seem imperative to get that old car moving. And that, fortunately, involves very little paper-shuffling; but, unfortunately, a whole lot of dead battery-jumping and running here and running there, and waiting rooms filled with stale magazines and free coffee... Arrgh. Time to change the subject again.
There's been a lot of twidddle-deeing and twiddle-dumming over at Fair View, too (do you recall, Dear Reader, my lovely rentals?)...but only on the part of the empty apartments, waiting out the big snows; waiting out the touch-up painting; waiting out the carpet-cleaning; waiting out the junk removal; waiting out the appliance and cupboard and floor and window cleaning; waiting out the mini-blind and stove-burner plate and ceiling tile, the socket cover and light bulb; waiting out replacement of the odd-sized, special-order vent filter; waiting out...but, oh, I've got to go! My little white business phone is ringing...
1 comment:
beware the ides of April!!!
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