MONUMENTS, MUSEUMS, AND MANY FLAGS flying horizontally ...today was defnitely not a typical Saturday. Nope, setting the alarm clock for 6:00 am and turning off my cell phone was definitely not the norm. It was for taking a day trip with a generous friend of mine (I have other good adjectives for her, but generous is the one I'll use here, since she invited me to join her, and also provided the transportation.)
(It was okay. We didn't lack for blooming beauty.)
as well as Franklin, and some of his many Japanese friends.
And while you're at it, tell me the name of this memorial that we happened upon. (One doesn't need to hang around long before getting some very old clues.)
My dad used to say, of himself and his bride,
"We got married one week and all hell broke loose the next!"
These men, I'm quite sure, could tell us more.
About that war.
And I'll tell you more, Dear Reader,
when my generous friend and I have decided where we're headed next...
on this clear and sunny and capital day
in the U.S.A.
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